Monday, March 10, 2014

Perfection takes Patience--September 8, 2013‏

September 8, 2013

Hello everyone,

JONAS WAS BAPTIZED!!! YAY! Although, the baptism itself was a little rough. First off, no one came. Literally, like 5 people were there besides missionaries. Not even our branch mission leader came. I was very upset about that. I know that Jonas was expecting a lot of people there. And, the other person getting baptized didn't show up for an hour and a half. So, in that hour and a half of us waiting, after texting and calling every member we could, me and my companion tried to get random people from the street to come watch a baptism so that Jonas wouldn't feel like no one likes him. After a while, we got a few people there.

Despite all of our planning, and very best efforts, it seemed like we failed Jonas. But, I learned something really important this week. I learned that it really isn't me at all that converts people. It isn't me at all who makes things happen or creates spiritual situations. It is solely the Spirit. Because the speakers who agreed to give talks didn't show up, me and my companion ended up speaking at the baptism. And we gave a special musical number. And even though there were not very many people there, it was a super spiritual experience. I know that Jonas felt how good his decision was, and he was super happy the whole time! It was great! And it all worked out.

A couple days before that, Jonas called us angels. I don't ever really feel like an Angel, because angels are perfect. I found a quote in this month's Liahona. It says, "What we actually say and actually do may feel a little awkward or not very polished... But, the Savior takes our words and actions and He carries them through His spirit unto the hearts of the people. He takes our sincere but imperfect efforts and turns it into something that is just right, indeed, into something that is perfect." I know that through the power of God, anything is possible. Even when people disappoint you. Even when people don't follow through on their promises. Really, the only person we can really trust is Christ. He will never fail us, as long as we are putting forth our very best effort. This week I was kind of struggling with feelings of being burnt out. I was working so so so so so so hard, and nothing seemed to be working. I was putting all I had for these people, and it seemed like they were just letting me down left and right, and none of my plans were working. But, I realized that it's not MY plans that matter. It is His plans that matter. It's comforting to me that even though I am far from the perfect missionary, Heavenly Father can still use me to help people come unto him. :)

A miracle happened!!! Me and my companion fasted that Jason would get baptized this month, and last night, we set a new date with him! He said that He knows that this is the right decision, and if he didn't choose the right, he would be miserable. It was a super cool experience, and really strengthened my testimony about fasting! Yay! Fasting is great!

Thanks for all of your prayers! I love all of you and hope that you have a great week!

Sister Bingham

P.S. Fellowship the recent converts in your ward. It's hard enough having a new life without having friends.

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