Thursday, January 7, 2016

We are His Servants -- November 9, 2015

Hello Everyone,

We have had so much fun this week. Elder Kropushek is the man! He is such a good missionary; we have the same style of teaching and doing things. It has been so much fun. He truly does have such a strong testimony of the gospel and the Atonement. He has made so many sacrifices to be here, I love Him! The first night we had, we stayed up and talked until really late just because we had so much to talk about. He is all around just such a great guy!
While with Brother Winkler from the ward this last week, we were driving and he felt like we should go see a part member family that was close to the area we were working in. We agreed that we should; we drove to their place and noticed that the sister’s car was not home although we remembered that this less-active sister had a daughter and her granddaughter that lived with them. So we decided to knock on the door and see if they were home anyway. They answered and told us that the Grandma (member) was not home that she was out for the night, they expected us to say we will come back a different time but instead we asked them how they felt about the church. They answered and said they liked the church, but have never been taught much about it. Being so excited with their response, we then asked them if we could share a message. They let us in and we started teaching. We taught the Restoration and gave them a commitment to read the Book of Mormon. We taught in less than twenty minutes, they even offered us to come back to share more on Tuesday night. It was such a good experience it built my testimony in following the spirit and always finding and always teaching. 

A funny story from last night! We were tracting some apartments and we knocked on one and an Indian man from India answered. We talked briefly and he then invited us in. We met his family; they have been living in the US for medical reasons because there son needs a kidney transplant. They were so sweet; they offered us some funny looking food that they called "sweet." We couldn't turn them down, so we took a big bite. . . It tasted like sand with exotic seeds! Haha Elder Kropushek waited until they were not looking then shoved it in his coat pocket! But I didn't have my coat so I had to man up and put it down. So to get back at him, I was like, “You know what I have never had, a real Indian food dinner.” They were pumped; they want to feed us, so we are going back on Saturday. haha It should be a good time :)

I taught a man early this week and I thought it was cool what I learned from him. In the lesson I asked him what he wants most from meeting with us. He came back and told us that he wants to be an example and help people. I was amazed by his response. It reminded me that the lord does build his church through his elect. It reminds me of some scriptures in Mosiah 26.
20 Thou art my servant; and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have eternal life; and thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my sheep.

21 And he that will hear my voice shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive.
We truly have an opportunity to be a light to the world; everyone in the church has been called to help and deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How great it is to be a missionary and do it all the time-- I love the work so much, it is what will bring you joy, pure Christ like service.  Keep the Faith!!

I hope everyone has a good week. I love you all thanks for the prayers and the support!

- Elder Kaleb Bingham

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