Friday, October 24, 2014

District Leader -- October 20, 2014

Hey Everyone!

So I will start off with the big news I guess! I got a call from my mission president yesterday and he told me I will be staying in Radford for one more transfer and I will finish training Elder Williams! But then He also called me to be a DISTRICT LEADER. I was pretty excited--I was also a little blown away, I wasn't expecting that one. But I will be over the Blacksburg District and it’s a pretty stacked district.  We’re going to see a lot of miracles! So I will be staying in the same place in Radford working the same area, and I am very excited about it! Just to let everyone know my address is still:

916 2nd Street
Radford, VA  24141

I feel like I have been on a mail fast lately. Haha I would love some letters! 

So just a little update on some of our investigators, 

Trendy is doing awesome!  She is still meeting up with us and she has told us she knows that this church is true.  She is still trying to decide if she wants to join it or not. I'm pretty sure she will, you can tell that the other side is working on her.  She even stood up for the church when some of her friends were giving her a hard time about deciding to be a Mormon.  Keep praying for her please; we’re excited to see what happens this week when we meet with her.

Jesse Huffman, Jesse is still in a nursing home and not doing well. We haven't been able to see him much because of how sick he has been. Currently they have been trying to transfer him to the nursing home where is wife is but I'm not sure that he will make it to that point. His family has somehow lost interest in learning about the church and they haven't been really supportive of him which is sad. I pray for him and I know the last time I saw Him last week I had the impression to bear my testimony to him and read him some scriptures in the Book of Mormon.  It was a powerful spiritual experience and that's what I left him with. I hope I see him again but we will have to play it by ear.

We went back and mowed Mrs. Maguire’s lawn this last week for the last time this year. I sure have grown to love that crazy lady! She never fails to put a smile on our faces. She isn't able to really have a normal conversation; she never comprehends what we are saying.  She usually just tells us about her life and gets mad because we don't come around enough to see her.  Haha She is very sweet and I am still trying to get a picture with her. And no, we don't know what ever happened to her cat, that is still a mystery....
The Vaught family is doing awesome! They came to church again! And we had them over at the bishop’s house last night for a family home evening. It was a good time. We taught about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and it was a fun lesson. We found some cool activities for them to do off of the church website. Alecia Vaught, the mom, has really loved getting back into the church and you can tell that she is so much happier now.  Her husband hasn't meet with us yet but we think he will turn around soon. The good news is that they have been praying as a family every night and reading the scriptures together. Their oldest boy, Josh, is going to be baptized on November 15th.  We are pretty stoked for that-- it will be a cool one. They are awesome! It’s been such a blessing to be able to work with them!

I was a little disappointed that we were not able to baptize someone this last transfer. But I have come to a conclusion that even though we didn't get a baptism, we taught over 60 lessons to investigators and we invited 219 people to learn about the gospel. We planted many seeds in the Lord’s vineyard and I know we are going to continue to find, teach, and baptize. I love you all and hope to hear from more of you soon.  Have a great week and remember to Keep the Faith!  

Elder Kaleb Bingham

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