Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Scary Room -- May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014

Hello everyone,

Happy P-day! This week flew at an alarming rate! 

In my mission we have to do a service project each week (as we should). So, we helped clean the church this week because it was stake conference this weekend. After sweeping the whole church (no carpet in the Philippines, just tile) and cleaning white boards black boards and things, me and my companion stumbled upon "the scary room." Which is just a normal classroom that they happen to store all the chairs and all broken things. We went in to sweep and saw a big white board that some kids had gotten their hands on and looks like they were practicing to be hooligans. Anyway, we decide to clean it. We found out they used permanent marker and crayons. So, we hunted down some glass cleaner and started scrubbing. 45 minutes later, we got one side basically spotless....Then we looked at the back... also graffitied. So we cleaned that side too. Then I noticed that there was crayon on the wall, so I started scrubbing there. After working on that for a space of time, we finally thought all was done.
Then..... we looked behind the door. crazy crayon party. So we cleaned all of that too. 
By the time we were done, we had to go home and study. It's funny because no one even goes in that room of the chapel. But, personally, I think this relates to the atonement (I know what you're thinking, "Geeze Sister Bingham, why does EVERYTHIG you do have to relate to the atonement. We're sick of hearing about it after a year and a half." but it's good, hear me out.).

I think it relates to sin. I have been reading in Mosiah this transfer for my personal study. I really love the people of Mosiah. Especially when King Benjamin are asking them what they think about what he's been teaching them. The people all say that they believe the words that have been spoken, and they just want to serve God and have no more disposition to do evil. 

Something weird has been happening to me. I'll just be teaching or something and the spirit will remind me of something I did ages ago that I need to repent for. So I do. But I kind of relate this to us cleaning out the scary room. We all have our scary rooms. The coolest thing about the atonement is that we can clean out those places in our minds we'd rather not dwell. Christ can wipe off the permanent marker, and He can purify our hearts until all the corners of our conscience are clean. I think it can be extremely easy for us to make these scary rooms in our minds and shove all our sins there and lock the door. But, because we're here to repent, and become better, we all have to face our scary rooms. We can choose to be brave and face it now, or we can wait as it gathers dust until we only remember it on judgment day.

I love the Savior. I love what he did for all of us. In D&C 19:15-18, it talks about how we have to suffer like the Savior did, if we didn't repent in this life. I love it. I'm so grateful for repentance. I know that it is not too late to repent and change. I know that Christ lives, and I know He did this for us so we wouldn't have to take upon ourselves exquisite pain that we can't comprehend now.

Thanks for all of your support and prayers! I love you all so much!

Sister Bingham

Weekly Challenge: go in your scary rooms and take care of whatever is in there. Your bishop is there to help you with whatever it is. You can do it! 





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