Well this last week was a scary one! We had a lot of things go wrong and so many of our investigators went through some serious trials and challenges. I will tell you about some of them and what happened.
Eric Thompson, is one of our promising investigators. He and his wife were preparing to get
baptized in the next month. Eric rides a moped or motor scooter (the one that I
helped him fix.) He was driving on the highway and got hit by a teenager
texting, going 65 mph, he was only going 45mph. Thank goodness he was wearing a
helmet and he lived, but he broke 7 discs in his back and has spinal trauma. It
was so hard to hear this! We went and gave him a blessing. It was the most
spiritual blessing I have ever given. Luckily he can still walk and is home now,
but will have to be bedridden for the next 4 months. So I guess you could say
that Heavenly Father has a different plan for him than we did.
Elias Crispin--He is still on track to get baptized this Saturday!!! But he went
through a really hard time this last week. He thought he found his wife
cheating on him. . . They got into a big fight, (on the night of his Baptismal
Interview) and he thought he was going to leave her and the family and move
away. This happened just an hour before he was supposed to be interviewed.
Thank goodness we talked him into staying and him and his wife talked it
through and found out it was just a big misunderstanding. He called us the next
day and we got him interviewed for baptism and he passed!
Marcus Cunningham—he got a call from his family and they told him that if he continued
to go to the Mormon Church they were going to disown him and never talk to him
again. Marcus is going through Hell. I
have never seen anyone with as many huge trials as this man. He told his family
that there is nothing that will stop him from joining Christ’s church. It was a
miracle to see how strong his faith has been.
these were the major hard things we faced this week, and what I learned from
them is that there is always opposition in all things. Satan will do anything
to stop us from becoming like our Savior. As long as we have faith and
endurance in Jesus Christ, we can get through anything. On a brighter note, the college started back up in Radford! It has been fun--we helped over 50 kids move into their apartments and it was crazy. We wore service clothes all day Friday and just helped people. Later Friday evening, Elder Klieman and I were just walking around campus and found a big crowd and an announcer. All the new Freshman were taking their class picture! A lady walked up to us and gave us Radford University shirts and told us to hurry and get in “our” class picture! Hahaha So we did! We put the shirts on and got on the front row of the picture and just smiled really big. ;) It was so funny! Haha :)
this week, we helped repaint a Lutheran church! We found someone that works at their
church and we told them we do all kinds of free service, so they called us and
asked us to come help paint! We did and it was fun! The workers were there and
blasting country music, I felt like I was back at work, working my job back
home! It was awesome! They were pretty impressed by us and all the help we
provided them with.
I’m very excited for my first baptism on Saturday! I can't wait to send you all pictures from
it! Thank you for all of the support and all the prayers! I love you all and
miss you all--have a good week!!
Kaleb Bingham
Tortoise!!! |